2022 Summer PL: Supporting Multilingual Learners with Writing
Ended Jun 29, 2022
1 credit
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Full course description
$300.00 Stipend
In this interactive workshop we will explore a pedagogical approach that apprentices multilingual learners into writing in various academic genres. Specifically, we’ll look at examples of this in science and consider how this approach develops multilingual learners’ writing skills and their awareness about how writing works. This will allow them to become effective and informed writers not only in science but across content areas.
In this interactive workshop we will explore a pedagogical approach that apprentices multilingual learners into writing in various academic genres. Specifically, we’ll look at examples of this in science and consider how this approach develops multilingual learners’ writing skills and their awareness about how writing works. This will allow them to become effective and informed writers not only in science but across content areas.