2022 Summer PL: Gifted Endorsement Course 1: Section 1
Ended Jul 15, 2022
1 credit
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Full course description
This program engages teachers in a blended learning environment where they earn credits for the courses necessary to add the gifted endorsement to a teaching certificate. The program is based on the NAGC Programming Standards and follows the guidelines of the Georgia Resource Manual for Gifted Services. The dates above reflect in-person course dates. Participants will be offered the opportunity to continue working on course assignments until Sunday, July 24, 2022.
Course 1 – Foundations of Gifted Education
1. To understand the historical parallels and development of educational programming for gifted learners
2. To understand the current views and practices of gifted education leaders at the national, state, and local levels
3. To understand the necessity of identifying and serving gifted learners, including students from historically under-served populations, in their areas of strength
Additional Courses that follow this Summer PL:
Course 2: Identifying and Addressing the Learning Characteristics of the Gifted
1. To recognize characteristics of gifted learners
2. To accurately apply Georgia’s multiple criteria in order to find students from under-served populations and to make appropriate service recommendations for gifted learners
3. To accurately identify the needs of gifted learners through various means of assessment
Course 3: Developing Potential in Gifted Learners
1. To select and/ or create appropriate strategies for developing the advanced potential of gifted learners
2. To develop a curriculum unit based on a design model which encourages the development of advanced potential in gifted learners
Course 4: Program Development
1. To develop, implement, and evaluate a program for gifted learners at the classroom level
2. To design a program and an evaluation of that program for gifted learners at the school level