
Gifted Endorsement: 2019-2020

Ended May 7, 2020
4 credits

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$450.00 Stipend

Are you interested in earning the Gifted In-Field Endorsement? Hall County Schools will once again be offering the courses through Pioneer RESA at no charge to our teachers. We are planning to create three cohorts, each in different areas of the county and possibly meeting on different days. Our Board of Education continues to invest in excellence by providing the gifted endorsement program free-of-charge for Hall County teachers and including the textbook.   This year we are offering Course 1 for 3 days in the summer; teachers have a choice of 2 options. Candidates will earn a stipend of $450 for Course 1 and will be able to complete Courses 2—4 at no charge; however, enrolling in Course 1 means candidates are committed to completing all of the courses in 2019-2020.   The Hall County Gifted Endorsement Program consists of four courses. There are 10 online classes and 20 classes that meet face-to-face from 4:30 – 7:30 PM: Course 1: 2.5 days face to face; 1/2 day online Course 2: 6 classes face to face and 4 online Course 3: 7 classes face to face and 3 online Course 4: 4 classes face to face and 2 online   For any teacher who is thinking he or she will one day want to earn the Gifted Endorsement, this is a wonderful way to do so! Classes are designed to invigorate teachers! Coursework is personalized to the greatest degree possible so that projects and other assignments can be created specifically for the individual school. Instructors work continually to create engaging professional learning that models best practices in education. Former participants found that class activities allowed them to collaborate effectively with other teachers as they implemented creative teaching ideas while earning the gifted endorsement.   If you are interested in possibly signing up for a gifted endorsement cohort for 2019-2020, please go to this link to share which days/locations would work best for you. We will do our best to create cohorts that can meet the needs of the majority of our teachers.