2017-18 WHMS PLC Spartan Lens
Started Nov 16, 2017
1 credit
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Full course description
This professional learning model uses a collaborative approach similar to “Critical Friends.” Each faculty member is assigned to a PLC group (called Spartan Lens) that actively observes and analyzes school-wide instruction. The ultimate goal of this PLC group is to analyze the effectiveness of instructional practices and their correlation to student achievement. Specific emphasis is given to instructional frameworks, the implementation of the four cornerstones, and the effectiveness of PLC groups at West Hall Middle School.
Spartan lens begins with a brief professional learning session overviewing observation rubrics and critical questions for PLCs and the four cornerstones. This initiative then mirrors a “mini-GSAPS” approach. Each group member conducts classroom observations using a walk-through instrument taken from GSAPS. Data is recorded electronically to document the frequency of instructional practices including student-driven assessments, technology to enhance knowledge, etc. Open-forums with administration and counselors are given to overview the school’s mission, vision, decision-making, counseling programs, college, career, and readiness initiatives