
2020-21 HCSD Elementary Music PLC Course

3 credits


Full course description

Each month of the 2020-21 academic schoolyear, course participants will participate in a Canvas Discussion focusing on a current and relevant topic to the field of Elementary General Music Education that is aligned with the GSE Elementary General Music standards and the TAPS standards (i.e. curriculum mapping, lesson planning, instructional strategies, etc.). Participants will have a two week window to post feedback, share files (pictures, videos, work samples, online resources, etc.), and make comments on the Discussion page. In addition to posting their own discussion entry, students must also provide constructive feedback for at least two other students in the course.

Each student in the course is also expected to attend a monthly Zoom meeting. Each live Zoom meeting to collaborate and more thoroughly discuss the assigned topic for that month. If a student is not able to attend the live meeting, please notify the course facilitator and plan to view the recording (posted in the Zoom archives on the Canvas page) at some point within the two week window.

Sign up for this course today!
