
2019-20 MVES PLC_2nd Grade

2 credits


Full course description

<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}--> 2nd grade teachers will complete a book study on a Teacher's Guide to Reading Conferences by Jennifer Serravallo. Teachers will complete conferences with students and bring conferences and RR to discuss in order to plan instruction for each student. This will allow the team to collaborate and use student analysis to inform instruction and groups.Teachers will monitor quarterly to meet the following TKES goals.

During the school year 2019-2020, 80% of 2nd grade students will increase their literacy proficiency by at least one years growth based on DRA 2 assessments or RR/ w comprehension.

During the year , 100% of 2nd grade teachers will work together with administration to analyze student data in literacy ,based on classroom assessments, Moby Max, RR, conferencing, and DRA assessments so that each student will receive differentiated instruction and support our district goals.

As a result of PLC collaboration, students will be participating in effective strategies for instruction, differentiation, and assessment to demonstrate growth in the areas of literacy proficiency.

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