
2021-22 LHES PLC_Grade Levels

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School Goals

85% of students will demonstrate 1 year or more growth as measured by Fountas and Pinell reading benchmark (gr k-5). The overall weighted proficiency in ELA for Lyman Hall will increase by 5% (gr 3-5)

·     60% of our students will be reading on or above grade level expectations as measured by Fountas and Pinell benchmark assessment (gr k-5) and overall weighted proficiency in reading as indicated by the EOG Lexile reading status (gr 3-5).

·     The overall weighted proficiency in Mathematics for Lyman Hall will rise 5%. 90% of students will demonstrate 1 or more stages of growth as measured through GLOSS.

Each grade level took our three school goals and vision and mission and created grade level goals. Each time the grade level met for PLCs, members discussed their progress towards their grade level goals, documenting supporting evidence and next steps that each teacher would take to work towards achieving the grade level goals, and school goals. Teachers, in their grade level teams, used their next steps to drive their conversation each time they met and documented their conversations in the notes section of their PLC minutes form. Grade levels attached and shared supporting documents and discussed what their next steps would be between the present meeting and their next PLC. They discussed what the next steps would be, when during the school day the steps would be completed, who will complete the steps, and what teachers need to bring to their next PLC.

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